How does it work
It will all begin with your ophthalmologist making sure you are a good candidate for this procedure.
The procedure itself starts with some drops to numb your eyes, followed by a quick and painless standard surgery which will end, about 20 minutes later, with you walking out of the outpatient room.

Am I a good candidate?
Only your ophthalmologist can determine if EYECRYL Phakic IOL suits you. Typically, people with thin corneas and/or high myopia and hyperopia are eligible. You could be a good candidate if:
- You are between 18 and 45 years old
- You are near-sighted with -0.5D to -25.0D myopia
- You are farsighted with +0.5D to +10.0D hyperopia
- You have astigmatism between 0.5 and 5.0 D
- You have not had a significant change in refractive error prescription in a year time
- Looking for a dry eye syndrome free procedure
- A fully reversible procedure
- You want to keep your cornea unaltered
- You are a dynamic person
- Physical activity is essential in your lifestyle
- Glasses and/or contact are a true problem to enjoy your life freely
Implanting EYECRYL Phakic IOL
Once you have decided to enjoy a life with EYECRYL Phakic IOL, before the surgery, your ophthalmologist will perform few tests to make sure you are a good candidate to undergo the surgery. Based on these pre-operative measurements, the EYECRYL Phakic Calculator will determine the IOL that suits you best to address your eye condition. This means that the treatment is tailor made exclusively for your eye.
Eye drops
20 to 30 minutes painless treatment
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Quick recovery
Eye drops
20 to 30 minutes painless treatment
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Quick recovery
taking in consideration
The Risks
EYECRYL PHAKIC lenses are considered to be safe and effective as they are tried & tested and being used in multiple countries since many years now in significant numbers. Also, they are approved by the local health authorities in many of the respective countries. At the same time, it is important to understand that with any kind of surgical procedure on any human organ, there is a risk involved. Go through the details of possible risk factors involved. In case, you have any more queries or concerns, it’s always better to talk to your consulting eye surgeon.
There is a possibility of halos and glare around lights at night in any refractive procedure like LASIK, PRK or Phakic lenses.
The most common complication with any refractive procedure is over-correction or under-correction. Qualified surgeons take every precaution to take every pre-operative measurement with utmost care before the procedure to ensure post-operatively your refraction falls under range of intended power but in rare conditions there may be the chance of either over or under-correction. As this procedure is completely reversible where the EYECRYL Phakic range of lenses are removable anytime, adjustments related to solution to over-correction or under-correction can be made by consulting eye surgeon. However, the same risks are always there with any other refractive procedure too.
In very rare cases, all type of refractive procedures can result in impairment to the eye where there might be loss of visual acuity including in most severe cases loss of functional vision.
In some of the cases with implantation of Phakic lenses, there could be chance of increase in eye pressure (IOP or Intraocular Pressure) as a result of the procedure. In such cases your consulting surgeon may treat the issue with suitable medication or surgical intervention. If such incidence is not corrected on time or left untreated, the increased pressure within the eye could lead to Glaucoma resulting to loss of vision.
As the phakic lenses are implanted behind the Iris (in posterior chamber) which is the colored part of the eye, it is more near to the natural crystalline lens and if the procedure is not performed correctly or in case of the imprecise pre-operative measurements, there is potential risk of phakic lens touching the eye’s natural crystalline lens. Any damage to the natural crystalline lens could lead to opacity (cataract development) of the lens and, in the severe case, may require removal of the cataractous natural crystalline lens and replacement of the natural crystalline lens with an artificial lens also called IOL (Intraocular Lens).
All surgical procedures involve some risk of infection. It is important to consider that an eye infection can have a range of results, from delayed healing to serious eye damage. However, with implantable product prepared & packed with very high-quality standards and used with a minimally invasive procedure also with preventative treatments administered to the affected area, the potential risk of infection can be minimized to a large extent.